Houseplant Diseases: Focus on Phytophthora and Proper Care
Recognizing Phytophthora Symptoms in Houseplants
Indoor plants, despite their aesthetic and well-being benefits, are not immune to diseases. Among them, Phytophthora, a genus of pathogenic fungi, is particularly feared. These invisible organisms can cause considerable damage and even lead to the death of the plant if nothing is done.
Symptoms vary depending on the plant species, but in general, Phytophthora infection manifests itself as rapid decline of the plant, with leaves turning yellow, wilting and dropping. Brown spots may also appear on the leaves, stems and roots. In addition, the roots may appear rotten and give off an unpleasant odor.
Care and duration of treatment
Once Phytophthora has been identified, it is necessary to act quickly to save the plant. First, isolate the diseased plant to prevent the spread of the disease to other plants. Then, remove all infected parts, making sure to disinfect the tools used.
The most effective treatment against Phytophthora is to use specific fungicides, available in gardening stores or online. These products must be applied in accordance with the doses and frequency indicated by the manufacturer. Treatment can last from a few weeks to several months, depending on the severity of the infection.
The link between Phytophthora and climate change
Interestingly, climate change may increase the prevalence of Phytophthora. This is because these fungi thrive best in humid and warm conditions, which are becoming more common with global warming. Thus, controlling Phytophthora is also a way to adapt to current environmental challenges.