Aleurodes (Mouches Blanches) : Identifier, Prévenir et Traiter pour sauver vos plantes - Vitalis Care Plant

Whiteflies: Identify, Prevent and Treat to Save Your Plants

What are whiteflies and how to identify them?

Whiteflies, also known as whiteflies, are tiny flying insects that feed on the sap of houseplants. These insects are most visible when you shake a leaf: a small cloud of whiteflies flies out. By sucking the sap, whiteflies weaken plants, causing yellowing of leaves and stunted growth. If you spot these signs, it's time to take action to prevent an infestation.


Preventing Whitefly Infestations on Your Houseplants

Prevention is key to limiting whitefly infestations. Avoid excess humidity, space plants for better ventilation, and regularly inspect new plants before adding them to your space. In case of light infestation, using sticky traps can capture a few whiteflies. For enhanced preventative protection, Vitalis Care Plant helps you prevent the spread by creating an effective and durable protective barrier.


Vitalis Care Plant : a quick and lasting solution against Whiteflies

Vitalis Care Plant acts directly on whiteflies by eliminating adult insects and preventing the proliferation of larvae. Thanks to its powerful and concentrated formula, Vitalis Care Plant is easy to dilute and spray directly on the affected areas for maximum effectiveness. Protect your plants sustainably against whiteflies and regain healthy plants with Vitalis Care Plant .
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