Comprendre et traiter les maladies des plantes d'intérieur : virus, bactéries et champignons

Understanding and Treating Houseplant Diseases: Viruses, Bacteria, and Fungi

Identifying Symptoms in Houseplants

Houseplants are not immune to diseases. Viruses, bacteria and fungi can attack your plants and cause visible symptoms. Yellowing leaves, black spots, deformed leaves or the appearance of mold are all signs that should alert you.

Houseplant Viruses

Viruses are microscopic parasites that attack plant cells. They are often transmitted by insect vectors such as aphids. Symptoms include leaf ringspots, yellowing or deformation of the leaves. Unfortunately, there is no cure for viruses, so it is essential to prevent their occurrence by regularly controlling unwanted insects.

Bacteria in houseplants

Bacteria are responsible for many diseases of indoor plants. They can cause leaf spots, rot or wilting. To combat bacteria, it is recommended to isolate the diseased plant and apply a treatment based on copper or baking soda.

Houseplant Fungi

Fungi are particularly harmful to indoor plants. They cause symptoms such as leaf spots, mold or rot. To combat fungi, it is recommended to reduce ambient humidity, ensure good ventilation and apply a suitable fungicide.

Treatment of diseased houseplants

In case of disease, it is important to act quickly to save your plant. Identifying the symptoms is the first step. Then you can apply the appropriate treatment: an insecticide for viruses, a copper or baking soda treatment for bacteria, a fungicide for fungi. Remember to always follow the instructions for use of treatment products.

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