L'impact du changement climatique sur la santé de nos plantes d'intérieur

The impact of climate change on the health of our indoor plants

Climate change: a challenge for our indoor plants

Climate change is not only a threat to the outdoor environment. It also affects our indoor environment and especially our houseplants. Extreme temperature fluctuations, increased air pollution and changes in light patterns can disrupt the growth and health of our plants.

How Temperature Fluctuations Affect Houseplants

Houseplants are generally adapted to stable climates and can be sensitive to temperature variations. A winter that is too mild can prevent some plants from going into the dormant phase that is necessary for their survival. Conversely, a summer that is too hot and dry can cause plants to dehydrate quickly.

The impact of air pollution on plant health

Indoor air pollution, largely linked to our lifestyle habits and the materials used in our homes, can be harmful to our plants. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can inhibit photosynthesis, while fine particles can clog stomata, hindering their respiration.

Light changes and their effect on indoor plants

Changes in light patterns due to climate change can disrupt the life cycle of our plants. Longer summers, shorter winters can disrupt the natural rhythm of plants, leading to stress that can affect their growth and flowering.

How to adapt the care of our plants in the face of climate change

Faced with these challenges, it is essential to adapt our care to indoor plants. In particular, it is necessary to regularly monitor and adjust watering, choose plants adapted to your environment and purify the air in your home by limiting the use of pollutants. Indoor gardening is an art that requires constant adaptation to environmental conditions.

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